Friday, July 23, 2004

There are no U-turns in life.

Sitting here another pointless blog to post in order for me to bring serenity into my life.  It's raining, I love the rain, there is nothing else most calming to hear than a good afternoon storm after a long day.  Did you know the clearest and best smell in the world is rain.  Yet we all hate to get wet.  Today  I just feel like going out and standing in it and looking up, maybe I'll drown who knows.  Will I be missed, maybe for a short few days until after I'm buried and gone, that's when life goes on and memories cease to exist.         Today was a numb day you know all those times you drive the same way to work.  You know it so well you could do it blind folded.  I tend to let my mind wonder in traffic, I know one of these days I 'm going to crash because of it, but anyway as I drove down the beltway something I saw occurred to me a sign that read "No U-Turns."         How ironic I thought when I saw that sign and thought about all the good times in my life, the things I've done and seen.   I just want to so go back to alot of those times it kills me to think about them, I cry about it alot.  I miss all the concerts, the friends, the parties.  Now everything is hussle here and hussle there you can barely get a smile or a simple word hello out of a stranger as they pass by.   Friends have come and gone some you can hardly find anymore.  The ole saying "life is short" is somewhat so true to a  point you find later that just to at least find one thing to do tommorrow brightens your whole day.  Well I past that sign miles down the road and like that sign say's "No U-Turns" life, you can alway's go forward, you can alway's feel young, but you can't make "NO U-TURNS" in life.                                            


Blogger A.Lee said...

i really felt that post, this page has deffo been added to my faves!

3:10 PM  
Blogger J said...

Life is short. So live life to the fullest.

6:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, life is short.

My wise Irish uncle once told me, "life is very short...and it gets even shorter if you spend your time thinking about your past"

I think he has a good point...

4:36 AM  

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